
On Tuesday, April 27, 2010 0 comments

The Branch Davidian is a cult, which is a descendent of the Seventh Day Advenist Church. David Koresh was a faithful follower, until he felt that he would be a better leader.So In the early 90's David Koresh seized control of the religious group by bringing a small armed group into the main group with the intent of killing George Roden (Former Leader). After only wounding George, David and his followers were arrested and tried with attempted murder, but David mistrialled.

After gaining power of The Branch Davidians, It was heard that David physically abused the children in the group. Social Services couldn't confirm it. Later, Koresh stated that the Apocalypse was coming, so he began preparing he's followers for the "End". Koresh started stocking up on guns and ammunition. When the authorities found out, they wanted to arrest David for having illegal firearms andexplosives.

February 28,1993, in Waco, Texas,The FBI surrounded the compound in which the The Davidians are living and demanded that David surrender. Not knowing who fired first, The davidiansand the FBI got into a shootout. Four agents were killed, 16 were wounded and an un determined number of Davidians were killed and wounded. After hearing what happened, President Clinton decided tonegoiate with David. The negoiation released 10 children. Part of the negoiation was that Koresh's teachingshad to be nationally broadcasted.The negoiation didn't change anything. David still refused to surrender.

On Monday, April 19th, The FBI began to tear gas The Davidians, shortly after The Davidians began to shoot. Around noon that day, Many fires started at the compound. Several hours later, Nine Davidians fled the compound. The FBI says that The Davidians started the fires. After some time of fire-fighting, The wooden structure that the compound was made of was engulfed in flames. Koresh and 76 followers, including more than 20 children, died. The few Davidian survivors were imprisoned.

I believe that this event is significnt because when I read the article I kept reading that the FBI constantly said that it was all The Davidians fault. With all of this blaming, it makes me think that the authorities might not be as straight forward as we think it is. I'm not saying that I agree with the whole cultthing but I think that this event kind of opened peoples eyes to corruption in both the church and the government.